News Archive

14 March 2024
A New HPS Website: What Do You Want?

Kendall Berry, Website Development Planning Task Force Chair, HPS Treasurer

The Health Physics Society (HPS) is getting a new website! Now is your chance to let the Website Development Planning Task Force know what you like, what you don't like, and what you feel is most important in keeping the HPS website current and usable.

Fill out this survey now—it won't take long. We'd like your feedback by 22 March 2024. Your opinions are important and are needed as soon as possible so the task force can get the ball rolling on creating a website that represents you and your Society. Don't miss out on your opportunity to be a part of this important project!

The survey is set up to prompt for ideas—feel free to enter only one or two ideas or ideas in every possible field. All of your ideas will be discussed at the weekly task force meetings. Please feel free to reach out with any questions! On behalf of the entire Website Development Planning Task Force, thank you!