Health Physics News Digest

July 2024

Highlights of the online Health Physics Society (HPS) July 2024 Health Physics News

  • From the President — Chapter and Section Councils Update
  • HPS Meetings
    • IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting: It's Time!
    • Upcoming HPS Meetings
  • Society News
    • Virtual Chapter and Section Councils in August
    • 2024 HPS Award Winners
    • New Member Discount Still Available – Join Before 30 September!
    • Share Your Extra HP Professional Books
    • Only One Issue of Health Physics News in July
  • Committee News — History Committee Update
  • Chapter News
    • San Diego Chapter News
    • Virginia Chapter Annual Meeting
    • New England Chapter Annual Meeting
  • HPS Meetings in Review
    • IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights: Publications Booth Book Drawing
    • IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting: Lessons Learned – Potential Changes for HPS Meetings Moving Forward
    • 68th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights - More Meeting Photos 
    • 68th HPS Annual Meeting Highlights – More Photos
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Quiz Bowl
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Section Meetings
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - Meeting Sessions
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – 2023 HPS Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - HPS Section Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - American Academy of Health Physics Awards
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - 2023 HPS Officers and Board of Directors
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting - Publications Booth Book Drawing
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Outgoing HPS Officers and Board Members
    • Highlights of 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Student Worker Orientation
    • Highlights of the 68th HPS Annual Meeting – Challenging Health Physics Questions
  • In Memoriam — F. Morgan Cox
  • Health Physics Journal/ORS NewsHealth Physics Editor's Note: Goodbye (and Good Riddance) to Page Charges!
  • HPS Standards Corner — ANSI/HPS N13.45-2024, Incineration of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  • Did You Know? — Online Decay Calculator
  • HPS Members Forum
    • HPS Members Forum: DOE EM Update, Vol. 16, Issue 25
    • DOE EM Update, Vol. 17, Issue 23
  • What's News?
    • ICRP Survey on Human Medical Research Using Ionizing Radiation
    • NCRP Commentary No. 34, Recommendations on Statistical Approaches to Account for Dose Uncertainties in Radiation Epidemiologic Risk Models
    • ICRP Event Recordings Available Online
    • National Academies Releases New Reports
  • Health Physics Job Openings — Current Job Listings on the HPS Website
  • Short Courses — July Short Course Listings

To read the full newsletter articles become a member of the Health Physics Society. Go to About the Society and then How to Join on this website.

To have your Section News, Chapter News, Student Branch News, Committee News, Announcements, or other news items related to the HPS or the field of health physics published in Health Physics News, contact Mary Walchuk at