News Archive

10 January 2024
Upcoming Columbia Chapter Meeting With the HPS President

George Tabatadze, Chapter Webmaster

In a significant move to strengthen community connections, the Columbia Chapter of the Health Physics Society (CCHPS) is excited to host its next in-person meeting. Scheduled for Tuesday, 16 January 2024, at the Richland Community Center at 6 pm, this gathering marks an essential step in reinvigorating the chapter's activities and engagement. The meeting offers a unique opportunity for members to reunite, engage in meaningful discussions, and collaboratively envision the future of the chapter. To enhance the experience, attendees will be treated to pizza and soft drinks, fostering a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

Highlighting the event, HPS President Elizabeth Brackett will join online to share updates and discuss the latest developments within the broader Society. We look forward to this engaging evening and the opportunity to embark on a new chapter of collaboration and growth within the health physics community.

Members interested in attending are encouraged to register promptly on the CCHPS website.