News Archive

26 October 2023
Year-End Support for Health Physics Academic Education and Research Center (HPAERC)

You may be familiar with year-end requests from various charities. These are calculated so that potential donors may take advantage of the tax deduction for the year. Here's another opportunity.

At a certain age, 73 this year, the Internal Revenue Service mandates a required minimum distribution (RMD) withdrawal from one's Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or 401K. The percentage required is determined by law and is based on the value of the account on the previous 31 December. Withdrawals from the account to the individual owner are taxed as ordinary income.

But if the distribution goes directly to a qualifying nonprofit entity, such as a 501(c)(3), the money is not taxable to the donor. So, for example, if you were to donate $50K to the new Health Physics Academic Education and Research Center (HPAERC), you would not have a tax liability. If you are interested in supporting HPAERC in such a way, contact your financial adviser and fill out the appropriate forms and a check will be sent to HPAERC directly. It's easy and pretty much painless.