News Archive

28 June 2023
68th Health Physics Society Annual Meeting – Nonionizing Radiation Session and Section Meeting

Ken Barat, Section President, and Dewayne Holcomb, Section President-elect

This year's 68th Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting, being held 23–27 July 2023 at Gaylord National Harbor, Maryland, will include the Nonionizing Radiation Session on Monday, 25 July. Right after the session will be a brief Nonionizing Radiation (NIR) Section business meeting. The success of any section is centered around the involvement of its members or at least a core group.

After the business meeting there will be a brainstorming session with the new section board members. If you are interested in contributing ideas or maybe working on NIR Section projects, please attend. If you cannot be there in person, you can send ideas to Ken Barat prior to the meeting.

With all one must do each day, it is easy to fall behind the expanding NIR applications and exposure curve. A major task of the NIR Section is to keep the HPS community aware of NIR applications and safety concerns, as well as responding to misinformation. Your involvement is critical to the success of the section. Looking forward to seeing you in DC.