News Archive

18 May 2023
Understanding the Media: A Starter Guide for Scientists

SciLine, based at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is offering the free training opportunity "Understanding the Media: A Starter Guide For Scientists" on Monday, 5 June 2023, 2–3 pm ET.

SciLine has facilitated thousands of interactions between scientists and journalists, always with the goal of adding research-backed evidence and context to news stories. We know that "the media" can seem like a black box to scientists and that speaking to reporters can be confusing or even intimidating.

This free, one-hour course—designed specifically for media-curious scientists with little or no media experience—teaches the basics scientists need to know as they consider dipping their toes or diving deeper into media engagement. We provide an overview of the US news landscape, including the different types of media outlets and reporters a scientist might encounter (and what each is looking for), professional similarities and differences between journalists and scientists, and the risks and benefits of participating in interviews.

The course is led by PhD neuroscientist Tori Fosheim, with participation by freelance science journalist Elena Renken (NPR, Quanta Magazine, PBS "NOVA"). Attendees will learn what makes a science story newsworthy, how to become more "findable" by journalists, and key concepts and etiquette norms to know when speaking to a reporter.

SciLine is an editorially independent, nonpartisan service for journalists and scientists based at the nonprofit AAAS. SciLine helps connect reporters quickly to scientific experts and validated evidence and works with scientists to amplify their expertise and help them give voice to the facts.