News Archive

26 September 2022
HPS President-Elect Chapter Visits

Liz Brackett, HPS President-elect

I'd like to thank the participants of the chapter and section councils in early September—there was a lot of great discussion! Both meetings were recorded and will be available on the website shortly. I'm also working on brief summaries of the discussions so you can catch the highlights if you don't have time to view them.

I'm currently scheduling chapter visits and will be reaching out to the chapters via email soon. Please feel free to contact me in the meantime—not all of the chapter reports are up to date on the website so I may not have the current information for your chapter. I apologize, but please note that due to some recent personal events, talks through the end of this calendar year will need to be virtual. Next year, in person or virtual is fine. I look forward to meeting with each of you.