Maxwell T. Koester


OBJECTIVE: To continue to progress in my early Health Physicist Career and work towards a Masters in Health Physics.

EDUCATION:  ABET Accredited Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering (GPA: 3.84) Minor in Radiological Health - Texas A&M University


Radiological Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories (2024-Present) Albuquerque NM - Utilized knowledge of radiation protection and technical writing to assist in Radiological Work Planning and Control, Facility ALARA design, and general subject matter expertise. Provided around the clock support to experimental teams across the national laboratory complex.

Sandia National Laboratories Health Physics Internship (2023-2024) College Station TX(Virtual)/Albuquerque NM(Onsite)-Worked virtually during the school year writing a paper documenting the process of conducting skyshine calculations. Toured several facilities and shadowed the work being done across Sandia in partnership with the radiation protection program. Worked on a paper outlining the poor assumption made that led to a serious incident at one of Sandia’s facilities.

UT Health Science Center Health Physics Internship (Summer 2022) San Antonio TX-Intern responsible for performing surveys on various laboratories across campus ensuring there is no contamination, handling radioactive material deliveries, performing detector calibrations, and radioactive waste pickups from labs. Also took measurements and shadowed during multiple I-131 thyroid treatments, an Eye Plaque surgery, a Gamma Tile surgery, and delivered a final presentation highlighting dose calibrator QA/QC.

Texas A&M Radiation Safety Department (2021-2023) College Station TX- Student technician responsible for performing radiation surveys on various laboratories across campus ensuring there is no contamination, handling radioactive material deliveries, performing detector calibrations, and radioactive waste pickups from labs.

CLEARANCE LEVEL: Information reagrding security clearances held can be obtained by contacting me using the contact button at the bottom of this page.


Health Physics Society South Texas Chapter Student Scholarship (2023)

Eloise Vezey Dromgoole Scholarship (2023)

nVent Student Scholarship (2023)

Craig and Galen Brown Honors Engineer (2020-2024)


Health Physics Society, Texas A&M Chapter (Fall 2022-2024) Vice President, in charge of coordinating meetings with industry professionals and students. Represented the organization at multiple state and national chapter conferences.

American Nuclear Society, Texas A&M Chapter (2022-2023) Head of the external committee, in charge of advertising events and organizing outreach and volunteering events. Also managed updates on the website and represented the organization at a national conference.

(This résumé was posted on 17 September 2024.)