2025-2026 Health Physics Society Fellowships and Scholarships

The deadline for submission of HPS fellowship applications is 19 March 2025.

All HPS and named fellowships and scholarships are accompanied by a travel grant to be used to attend the HPS annual meeting following the year awarded. All fellowship recipients are encouraged to attend the awards ceremony during the annual meeting. Award winners will be notified on or about 7 May 2025. Travel to the annual meeting following the fellowship/scholarship will be coordinated in May prior to the meeting with the Secretariat.

Previous HPS Fellowship holders are ineligible. Foreign nationals are welcome to apply unless noted otherwise. (more information on the HPS fellowship, the Dade Moeller Scholarship and the Environmental/Radon Section Scholarship awards)


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1. Application for the Following Scholarships/Fellowships

You may select one or more of the items below. See the descriptions of the awards and their requirements to insure (1) that you meet the requirements of any you select and (2) submit any additional information required.

2. Contact Information

Items in bold with a blue background are required.

3. Undergraduate and Graduate Information

Submit copies of all undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Summarize information in the table below.

*Express GPA on a scale of A=4.00; if other, please specify scale.

4. Career Goals

5. Proposed Health Physics Curriculum

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