Kenneth Mossman Named to U.S. NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Mossman, a past president of the Health Physics Society and an international
expert in radiation health and safety, has been named to the Atomic Safety and
Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The
panel is an independent, trial-level adjudicatory body of the NRC.
panel, acting on behalf of the NRC, conducts hearings and makes decisions with
respect to granting, suspending, revoking, or amending licenses authorized by
the Atomic Energy Act. The panel hears cases on licensing and enforcement
regarding nuclear reactors and civilian use of nuclear materials in the United
States. It considers issues concerning the operation of the nation's more than
100 nuclear power plants and programs related to about 5,000 nuclear materials
recent years, the panel's hearings have shifted to focus on license extensions,
site decontamination, enforcement actions, reactor and materials license
amendments, and spent fuel storage.
are chosen based on the content of cases and the technical issues in question.
Each judge has one independent vote, and court decisions can be appealed
through the federal circuit court where the suit originated. For example,
Arizona would have jurisdiction over a suit concerning the Palo Verde nuclear
panel is likely to see a significant increase in activity in the next 18 to 24
months, as nuclear utilities submit license applications for new nuclear
plants. Another area the panel will deal with is the suitability of Yucca Mountain,
Nevada, as a site for a high-level waste repository.
has published widely in topics such as biological effects of low- and high-dose x-ray, gamma, and neutron radiation; radiation exposure during pregnancy; the
health effects of radon; and radiation protection and public policy. His
research includes nuclear regulatory science and policy and managing small
risks, as well as risk perception and risk communication.
Mossman served as president of the Health Physics Society in 1993-1994. Previous to that he served on the Board of Directors from 1987 to 1990 and has served on numerous committees during his 27 years of membership in the Society. He was awarded the Health Physics Society Elda E. Anderson Award in 1984, which recognizes excellence in a young member of the Society, and the Founders Award in 2002, which recognizes contributions to the health physics profession and the Society. He has been a Fellow of the Health Physics Society since 1994.
Mossman is currently a professor of health physics at Arizona State University and he resides in Scottsdale, Arizona, with his wife Blaire.