International Collaboration Committee

The International Collaboration Committee (previously called the International Relations Committee) is responsible for maintaining ongoing communications and interactions with radiation protection communities abroad, assisting other nations in planning and organizing radiation safety/protection organizations where appropriate (see also the Radiation Safety Without Borders Initiative), implementing special international or bilateral topical workshops on problems and issues of interest to Society membership, obtaining independent funding for workshop support, arranging for publication of workshop reports consistent with Society policy, acting as a conduit for other international opportunities and options that may be of interest and benefit to the Society, helping arrange outside sponsored visits of Society members to radiological sites abroad where Society special interests may be served, supporting the "Radiation Safety Without Borders" initiative, and providing information to the Society of potential international visitors who may be potential speakers at Society chapter meetings.

The International Relations Committee is composed of nine members who represent professional and technical interests and who have expressed a specific interest in international affairs. If you have any questions about the committee or its activities, please contact the Chair.

The following are international organizations with relevant activities to the HPS community.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up as the world's "Atoms for Peace" organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. The IAEA works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure, and peaceful nuclear technologies. For additional information see

In particular, we would like highlight the Jobs site on the IAEA Web site where the American representation has been low:

The International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)
The primary purpose of IRPA is to provide a medium whereby those engaged in radiation protection activities in all countries may communicate more readily with each other and, through this process, advance radiation protection in many parts of the world. This includes relevant aspects of such branches of knowledge as science, medicine, engineering, technology, and law; to provide for the protection of man and his environment from the hazards caused by radiation; and thereby to facilitate the safe use of medical, scientific, and industrial radiological practices for the benefit of mankind. For additional information see

UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation  (UNSCEAR)
The UN General Assembly established the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) in 1955 to provide continuous review and evaluation of the effects of ionizing radiation on humans and their environment. Governments and international organizations, including the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and IAEA, rely on UNSCEAR evaluations for estimating radiological risk, establishing radiation protection and safety standards, and identifying important trends in radiation exposures and environmental effects. For additional information see

About an hour per month, as needed.

Attendance at both the midyear and annual HPS meetings.

Some knowledge of international organizations (IAEA, NEA, ICRP, and IRPA) or the radiation safety situation in specific countries would be helpful.

Current Members

Director: Greg Fairchild, '26
Chair: Alexander Brandl, '24
Amber Harshman - Committee Member, '27
Ed Waller - Committee Member, '26
Jeffrey Vollmer - Committee Member, '24
George Tabatadze - Member, '26
Isaf al-Nabulsi - Committee Member, '26
Sig Magnusson - Advisor
Roger Coates - Advisor
Chris Clement - Advisor
Miroslav Pinak - Advisor
Pamela Manglona-Cadelina - Committee Member, '27