February 2025 Course Listings


Certification Review Course Part I and Self Study Course Part I

Bevelacqua Resources. Attn: Dr. Joseph J. Bevelacqua, PhD, CHP, RRPT, 7531 Flint Crossing Circle SE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763; phone: 509-521-8036; email: bevelresou@aol.com; website: bevelacquaresources.com

This course and supporting materials prepare candidates for the successful completion of the Part I ABHP Certification Examination. Historically, our students have achieved passing rates that exceed the average exam passing rates. The Part I Course has been granted 40 CECs. The instructor, Dr. Bevelacqua, was an ABHP Part II Panel member, vice-chairman, and chairman. His experience gained in developing the certification examination and knowledge of candidate weaknesses have strengthened the content of this course and supporting materials. Examination strategies and techniques for successfully passing the examination are emphasized. Part I Course: The Part I Course is intense, with lectures followed by problem sessions. An exam-specific mathematical review is included with the course. About 30 percent of the course is devoted to problem solving with instructor critique and guidance provided to each student. The Part I Course materials include the Part I Self-Study Course materials. Class times are 0815–1700 each day. The Part I Self-Study Course contains 1,600+ problems with solutions, the textbook Basic Health Physics, detailed course notes, examination preparation materials, and a summary of recent (1997–present) NCRP reports. In addition to the materials used in the Part I Course, supporting materials (Background Materials Review and Additional Q&A Volume) are available to assist a student's certification preparation.

FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISORY: The course language is English. Translation services are not provided.

DATES: 24–28 March 2025

FEES (*):

$4,800 (Part I Course)—For an additional $125, the course materials will be shipped in advance.

$4,400 (Part I Self-Study Course)—Includes domestic shipping and handling

$3,900 (Background Materials Review)—Includes domestic shipping and handling

$3,900 (Part I Additional Q&A Volume)—Includes domestic shipping and handling

Foreign shipping and handling depends on the destination country.

* All credit card purchases incur a 4 percent surcharge. Foreign purchases are subject to additional fees. Registration is not complete until payment and the registration form (available at www.bevelacquaresources.com) are received.

REFUND POLICY: Under no circumstances will a refund be available after an order is processed.

LOCATION: Hampton Inn & Suites Huntsville - Hampton Cove, 6205 Highway 431 South, Huntsville, AL 35763; 256-532-2110


Certification Review Course Part II and Self Study Course Part II

Bevelacqua Resources. Attn: Dr. Joseph J. Bevelacqua, PhD, CHP, RRPT, 7531 Flint Crossing Circle SE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763; phone: 509-521-8036; email: bevelresou@aol.com; website: bevelacquaresources.com

This course and supporting materials prepare candidates for the successful completion of the Part II ABHP Certification Examination. Historically, our students have achieved passing rates that exceed the average exam passing rates. The Part II Course has been granted 40 CECs. The instructor, Dr. Bevelacqua, was an ABHP Part II Panel member, vice-chairman, and chairman. His experience gained in developing the certification examination and knowledge of candidate weaknesses have strengthened the content of this course and supporting materials. Examination strategies and techniques for successfully passing the examination are emphasized. Part II Course: The Part II Course is intense, with lectures followed by problem sessions. An exam-specific mathematical review is included with the course. About 60 percent of the course is devoted to problem solving with instructor critique and guidance provided to each student. The Part II Course materials include the Part II Self-Study Course materials. Class times are 0815–1700 each day. The Part II Self-Study Course includes the textbook Contemporary Health Physics, sixteen Part II examinations with solutions, detailed lecture notes, examination-preparation materials, and a summary of recent (1997–present) NCRP reports. Supporting Materials: In addition to the materials used in the Part II Course, supporting materials are available to assist a student's certification preparation: A Background Materials Review (BMR) of basic mathematics, physical science, and operational health physics is available to assist students with weaknesses in these areas.

FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISORY: The course language is English. Translation services are not provided.

DATES: 5–9 May 2025

FEES (*):

$4,800.00 (Part II Course)—For an additional $125.00, the course materials will be shipped in advance.

$4,400.00 (Part II Self-Study Course)—Includes domestic shipping and handling

$3,900.00 (Background Materials Review)—Includes domestic shipping and handling

Foreign shipping and handling depends on the destination country.

* All credit card purchases incur a 4 percent surcharge. Foreign purchases are subject to additional fees. Registration is not complete until payment and the registration form (available at www. bevelacquaresources.com) are received.

REFUND POLICY: Under no circumstances will a refund be available after an order is processed.

LOCATION: Hampton Inn & Suites Huntsville - Hampton Cove, 6205 Highway 431 South, Huntsville, AL 35763; 256-532-2110



ORAU's Professional Training Programs. Attn: Registrar, PO Box 117, MS-11, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117; phone: 865-576-3576; fax: 865-241-9152; email: registrar@orau.org. For additional course listings, please visit our website: www.orau.org/ptp.

This course is designed for individuals responsible for designing decommissioning radiological survey plans, overseeing the implementation of these plans, and evaluating the collected data. This five-day course emphasizes the decision-making processes involved in the design and implementation of a MARSSIM-based decommissioning survey. The American Academy of Health Physics grants 40 continuing education credits for completion of this course. A schedule of the topics that will be presented for this course, along with instructions about the registration process, is available at https://www.orau.org/health-physics-training/classroom/marssim.html.


24–28 February 2025

29 September–3 October 2025

FEE: $2,195 – The tuition includes the full cost of training and instructional materials in electronic form (PDF). Attendees should bring a laptop or tablet that is Wi-Fi enabled in order to download the instructional materials on the first day of the course. A printed copy of the instructional materials may be purchased for an additional fee ($50) if preferred. The print option can be selected during registration. Attendees will also receive a free copy of the ORAU Professional Training Programs Electronic Library DVD.

LOCATION: Oak Ridge, Tennessee



ORAU's Professional Training Programs. Attn: Registrar, PO Box 117, MS-11, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117; phone: 865-576-3576; fax: 865-241-9152; email: registrar@orau.org. For additional course listings, please visit our website: www.orau.org/ptp.

This course is designed for individuals responsible for the design and execution of surveys for the release of materials and equipment from facilities that handle, or previously handled, radioactive materials. This four-day training course focuses on the methodology and practical application of the MARSAME standard. The American Academy of Health Physics grants 40 continuing education credits for completion of this course. A schedule of the topics that will be presented for this course, along with instructions about the registration process, is available at https://www.orau.org/health-physics-training/classroom/marsame.html.

DATES: 3–6 March 2025

FEE: $1,756 – The tuition includes the full cost of training and instructional materials in electronic form (PDF). Attendees should bring a laptop or tablet that is Wi-Fi enabled in order to download the instructional materials on the first day of the course. A printed copy of the instructional materials may be purchased for an additional fee ($50) if preferred. The print option can be selected during registration. Attendees will also receive a free copy of the ORAU Professional Training Programs Electronic Library DVD.

If you are interested in having this course delivered at your site, please contact Tonya Bernhardt at 865-407-7053.

LOCATION: Oak Ridge, Tennessee


Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Training

Kentek Corporation. Contact: Rich Greene, 5 Jarado Way, Boscawen, NH 03263; phone: 800-432-2323; email: rgreene@kenteklaserstore.com; website: https://www.kenteklaserstore.com/laser-safety-training-courses?product_list_mode=list

Kentek offers multiple ways to get Laser Safety Officer (LSO) training including classroom, online, and livestream options. Kentek LSO training courses are based on ANSI Z136.1 "Safe Use of Lasers" standard and taught by Certified Laser Safety Officers. This course will also help prepare those individuals interested in taking the Board of Laser Safety Certified Laser Safety Officer Exam. We provide clear explanations of the details of laser hazard calculations and use EASYHAZ™ LSO laser hazard analysis software as a teaching tool to help develop a more thorough understanding. We also include a detailed review of ANSI Z136.1 "Safe Use of Lasers" standard, the CDRH Federal Laser Product Performance Standard, and OSHA's Technical Manual on Laser Safety Programs. Full course materials include course notes, ANSI Z136.1 "Safe Use of Lasers" standard, a copy of EASYHAZ™ LSO laser hazard analysis software, OSHA Technical Manual on Laser Safety Programs, LSO Resource and Reference documents including sample SOPs, sample written program, self-audit forms, inventory, and accident report forms. All Kentek LSO courses are worth up to 31 CECs from the American Academy of Health Physics.

Comprehensive Laser Safety Officer Classroom Course: click for more information 

7–11 April 2025, Las Vegas, NV

2–6 June 2025, Chelmsford, MA

28 July–1 August 2025, San Diego, CA

22–26 September 2025, Chelmsford, MA

Livestream Laser Safety Officer Training:

4–20 February 2025

6–22 May 2025

7–23 October 2025

Live Online:click for more information

Online: Available anytime, taken at individual's own pace and convenience – click for more information


Facility Decommissioning Training Course

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). Lawrence E. (Larry) Boing, Training Course Director, Argonne National Laboratory, EOF Division, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439; phone: 630-252-6729; email: lboing@anl.gov. Additional details on each course are available on our website: https://www.anl.gov/eof/facility-decommissioning-training-course.

Our credentials include over 45 years of performing and/or managing the decommissioning of our own diverse range of radiological and other operator/licensee nuclear facilities. In the process, we have developed a broad base of knowledge and expertise plus external experts in this technical work area. We have coupled this to our thorough understanding of the various aspects of the decommissioning technical field, both domestically and internationally, plus our broad network of supporting staff in the industry. We have developed a training program with an end objective of consolidating that collective industry experience and knowledge into a complete set of packaged, topical modules plus case studies in a format to help others understand the entire decommissioning process and to facilitate the optimization of their work. To accomplish that objective, we use a team of established and seasoned subject-matter experts respected for their work in their fields to present both "standard" modules and "case study" modules. At some sessions we are able to include a fourth day—typically of a relevant site or project—as work schedules, locations, and other requirements allow. In other cases, a fourth day of lectures is included in lieu of a tour. In a few instances, the course is three days long with no fourth-day option. Exhibitor space is available for vendors and others interested in presenting displays and materials. There are ample opportunities available to network with industry colleagues as well. Our website has full details on all of our decommissioning experience and upcoming sessions. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming training courses. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

DATES: For exact dates, durations, and locations—see our website for the latest training news.

FEE: $1,895 USD per person

LOCATIONS: Several sessions planned for 2025 and 2026; continual updates. See the website for full details – https://www.anl.gov/eof/facility-decommissioning-training-course


Harshaw TL Dosimetry Training

Rotunda Scientific Technologies. Contact: Heather: Heather@RotundaSciTech.com; phone: +1 330-906-3403, ext. 103; Brochure.

This four-day Harshaw TLD training course is specifically for personal dosimetry on the Harshaw TLD Models 4500, 6600, and 8800. It is designed for professionals seeking advanced knowledge in thermoluminescent dosimetry systems. Topics include radiation quantities and units, thermoluminescence concepts, system calibration using 137Cs, whole-body and extremity dose algorithms, TLD system operation, QA/QC procedures, and WinREMS software usage. The course features hands-on demonstrations and glow curve analysis and provides 32 American Academy of Health Physics continuing education credits (CECs).

Led by Joe Rotunda, a dosimetry expert with over 30 years of experience, this program equips attendees with essential skills while they enjoy the vibrant Little Italy district of San Diego.

DATES: 5–8 May 2025

FEE: $2,475 per person

PLACE: Hilton Garden Inn San Diego Downtown/Bayside, San Diego, CA

Register now to secure your spot by completing the brochure and sending it to Heather!


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