News Archive

26 June 2024
IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting: We're Giving Away HP Books

HPS Web Operations

We will be giving away these great books at the IRPA 16/69th HPS Annual Meeting, being held 7–12 July 2024 in Orlando, Florida.

Be sure to visit the Health Physics Society Publications Booth in the exhibit hall Sunday evening through Wednesday afternoon for your chance to win. It's as easy as dropping off your business card or a piece of paper with your name. We are giving away over $4,000 worth of health physics-related books!

While you are there, visit the HPS editors and share your thoughts on what we are doing and what you would like to see us do. The HPS issues several types of official publications: the HPS website, Health Physics News, the Health Physics Journal, Operational Radiation Safety, special publications (proceedings and educational materials), and American National Standards. The HPS also has an active social media presence on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

For a list of the books being given away, see the June 2024 issue of Health Physics News.