Affiliate Members of the Health Physics Society
Affiliate Members are those organizations whose interests in the field of radiation protection warrant a formal working relationship with the Health Physics Society (HPS). In general, they are organizations that provide services to the radiation protection profession.
There are many benefits to becoming an Affiliate Member at $375/calendar year per organization.
Access to Information
- Members Only access for one Affiliate representative
- Monthly Journal, Health Physics
- Bimonthly online HPS newsletter, Health Physics News
Exhibits/Sponsorships Discounts
- Discounted sponsorship opportunities for HPS events
- Exhibit booth space at HPS meetings at a lower rate than for nonmembers
Visibility and Brand Awareness
- Exclusive discounts on banner advertising on
- Discounts on advertising in Health Physics News
- Discounted advertising opportunities in Health Physics and on the HPS Facebook page
- Special listings in Health Physics and on
- Listing on both the HPS Affiliates Page and the HPS Buyer’s Guide
- Opportunity to send an email blast to HPS membership from HPS Headquarters*
* Subject to payment of service charges of $250 per email and approval of HPS business office. This is restricted to one Affiliate Member email blast per month and is not available the month of the HPS meeting. If two requests are received, the first one will be accepted; then the second will be sent the next month.
Clicking on an Affiliate Member's name below will bring up a list of its services and contact information including links to its website (if available) and email.
We have provided a Buyer's Guide with links to those Affiliate Members that provide a specific service.
If you are an Affiliate Member of the HPS and do not see your listing below, or if you would like information about becoming an Affiliate Member, please send an email to the HPS Secretariat or to apply for membership click here. If you are an Affiliate Member and you are listed here but would like changes to your HPS web page, contact information, etc., please email Heide Rohland.
List of Affiliates
- Ameriphysics, LLC
- Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
- Berthold Technologies, USA LLC
- C&C Irradiator Service, LLC
- Chase Environmental Group
- Codeac Solutions
- Eckert & Ziegler Analytics
- Environmental Restoration Group, Inc.
- Fluke Biomedical/RaySafe/LANDAUER
- Fuji Electric/SME Associates
- G/O Corporation
- Gemini Technology, Ltd.
- H3D, Inc.
- Health Physics Instruments
- HI-Q Environmental Products
- International Isotopes, Inc.
- Kentek Corporation
- Lablogic Systems, Inc.
- Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
- M3D
- Mazur Instruments
- Mirion Technologies
- NAC Philotechnics, Ltd.
- Nelco Worldwide
- NSSI Sources and Services, Inc.
- Nusano
- Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
- Pastime Publications
- Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Prot/BRP
- Perma-Fix Environmental Services
- PL Medical Dosimetry
- Radium Incorporated
- Rotunda Scientific Technologies
- S.E. International, Inc.
- Spectral Labs Incorporated
- Technical Management Services, Inc
- Ultra Energy
- Versant Medical Physics and Radiation Safety