News Archive

8 May 2024
ICRP Workshop: Summary of the Southern Urals Health Studies Program

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) will host the virtual (via Zoom) workshop "30 Years of Scientific Achievements for International Radiological Protection: Summary of the Southern Urals Health Studies Program" 24–25 May 2024.

Be part of our first digital event of the year, a two-day digital workshop celebrating three decades of scientific achievements in international radiological protection. Explore the Southern Urals Health Studies Program with professionals who know it best.

For nearly 30 years, the United States and the Russian Federation have cooperated in radiation effects research focused on the workers at, and the public around, the Mayak Production Association in the Southern Urals region north of Chelyabinsk/south of Ekaterinburg. The studies have included about 30,000 monitored workers in the nuclear facilities and over 60,000 members of the affected public in the region, with up to 75 years of multigenerational follow-up. The workshop will summarize the key scientific advances and findings of the dosimetric and epidemiological studies of that research and describe how they have been incorporated in ICRP recommendations, as well as the areas of potentially productive future research.

Our digital events are free to attend, with paid options for those wishing to support our mission of universal accessibility. For more information and to register click here.