News Archive

25 April 2024
Health Physics Journal Editor's Note: Diversity of Thought

Brant Ulsh, CHP, PhD, Health Physics Editor in Chief

Heads up, readers! The June issue of Health Physics is a special issue organized by guest editor Mike Mahathy on The Science and Implementation of LNT. As you know, the linear no-threshold model of radiation effects is one of the most debated and long-running controversies in the field of radiation protection. Mike did a great job of soliciting articles from authors presenting the full range of opinions on this subject, and I encourage readers to challenge their views by reading them all.

As a reminder, because of my long and public history of publishing and presenting on the topic of LNT, I have recused myself from any involvement with LNT-related manuscripts submitted to the Journal. I have taken this measure so that authors and readers can be confident that there is no editorial conflict at Health Physics on this subject, and we will not censor any viewpoint on the topic. In short, I am committed to making the Journal a neutral forum where authors are free to make their case and where readers can encounter the diversity of opinion on LNT. Read the articles carefully, evaluate the arguments presented, and make your own informed decisions on this important issue!