News Archive

31 October 2022
December Health Physics Journal: Joy and Gratitude

Brant Ulsh, CHP, PhD, Health Physics Editor in Chief

Well, 2022 has certainly been less eventful than 2021, and for that I am thankful. As the COVID pandemic has receded, life is mostly getting back to normal. Just like every year, the December issue of Health Physics is dedicated to celebrating our colleagues who have won one of the several awards the Health Physics Society (HPS) bestows. Congratulations, my friends, on your achievements and the well-deserved recognition of your peers!

In the December issue, we also express our gratitude to the many volunteers whose tireless efforts make the Journal possible. I am thankful for the authors who trust us with their important work. I am grateful to the many peer reviewers who donate their time and expertise to critically and constructively offer their insights to help authors improve their manuscripts. To the associate editors who serve on the Journal's Editorial Board, I want to express my gratitude for your guidance and advice. And I would be remiss if I didn't thank the Journal's tireless staff – Managing Editor Mary Gene Ryan, Editorial Assistant Deanna Baker, and Operational Radiation Safety Editor in Chief Craig Little. Working with you is a big part of what makes my work on the Journal such a joy. Thank you to the HPS leadership and membership for allowing me to serve as the editor in chief of Health Physics. I can honestly say I enjoy serving in this role more than any other part of my professional career, past and present.

And finally, thank you dear readers. I wish all of you a joyous holiday season and a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year.