News Archive

12 January 2022
Science Support Committee Call for Science Teachers

A Call for All, Well Some, Science Teachers and Science Fair Winners

Kenneth Krieger, CHP, Committee Chairman

Recently Health Physics Society (HPS) President John Cardarelli released a video about the Science Teachers Workshop (STW) the Science Support Committee (SSC) has put together. We are working toward holding a virtual STW during the 2022 HPS Annual Meeting in Spokane. We are trying to gather about 8–12 science teachers from around the country to see how well a virtual STW can be held. So if you know a science teacher who would like to participate in this workshop, please have them, or you, contact a member of the SSC and we can put them on the list for potential participants in this program. If this works out, we may try and have periodic virtual STWs. Since it has been hard for science teachers to meet in person for their classes, no less a workshop, we are attempting to make it easier for them to participate in a workshop. Please have them contact us as soon as possible so we can send them a survey meter kit for the workshop.

Also, this article is also a reminder that ALL chapters can nominate a science teacher from their chapter for the Geoffrey G. Eichholz Outstanding Science Teacher Award. This is where we recognize a teacher who has gone above and beyond in the field of teaching nuclear or health physics science. Nominations are due by 1 March.

There is a Student Science Award that can be given out as well. This is where a chapter nominates a science fair winner from their chapter. This nomination is due by 30 May. Both the teacher and science fair winner can attend the meeting to receive their award in person or can be virtually awarded the prize in absentia.

Nominations are due by the 1 March for the Outstanding Science Teacher award and 30 May for the Student Science Award in order for the Nominating Committee to process and award the prizes. Please think about these nominations because in the last several years these awards have not been given due to a lack of nominees. Click here to make your nominations.