News Archive

31 January 2022
2022 HPS Annual Meeting Abstracts: Three More Days ...

Spokane, Washington, 17–21 July 2022

Deirdre Elder, Meeting Task Force Chair

It is time to submit an abstract for the 67th Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting in Spokane. Topics for the technical sessions range from accelerator health physics to waste management. The meeting will include both in-person and virtual options, and you can give a talk or share a poster. Share your research, interests, or experiences!

The final deadline for abstract submission is 4 February. Find details in the Call for Abstracts and submit your abstract here. If you need a little more time, reserve a slot by contacting the Program Committee task force chair with your subject and topic.

If you would like to plan a special session or have any questions, contact the Program Committee task force chair.

Go to the meeting website to submit an abstract and find information about the meeting, including hotel details and information for presenters. Additional materials will be added over the coming months, so check back as you prepare for the meeting.