EPRI Study on the Disposition of Solid Material: Comparative Review of Three Published Clearance Guides
S.P. Bushart (Electric Power Research Institute)
In anticipation of a new NRC rule, EPRI has conducted a comparison of three industry documents that provide guidance levels for the clearance of solid material. Comparison of the values is augmented by a review of published implementation guidance and current industry practices. The information evaluated is used as the basis for assessing the impact of applying dose based clearance criteria at nuclear power plants. The objectives of the study were to identify similarities and differences among the 3 available guides for clearance of solid materials, and to develop a set of example calculations to demonstrate certain facets and potential impacts of implementation with respect to current industry practices. The presentation will discuss the devlopment of a generic draft flow diagram illustrating a possible approach for implementing a dose based rule. Sample calculations using data from an operating PWR plant, which illustrate the use of the plant radionuclide mix in determining adjusted screening levels and compliance with proposed guidance will also be presented.