The Editor in Chief of Operational Radiation Safety, Dr. Craig A. Little

Operational Radiation Safety

CONTENTS - Vol. 112, No. 4, April 2017


ORS Interview With Nanci Burchell
René Michel

Operational Topics

Radiation Exposure and Safety Precautions Following 131Cs Brachytherapy in Patients With Brain Tumors
Menachem Z. Yondorf, Theodore H. Schwartz, John A. Boockvar, Susan Pannullo, Philip Stieg, Albert Sabbas, Albert Pavese, Samuel Trichter, Lucy Nedialkova, Bhupesh Parashar, Dattatreyudu Nori, K.S. Clifford Chao, and A. Gabriella Wernicke

Further Developments in Beta-Gamma to Alpha Ratios
David L. Smith

Accuracy of Cloudshine Gamma Dose Calculations in the CAP-88 Dispersion Model
Michael W. McNaughton, Jessica M. Gillis, Elizabeth Ruedig, Jeffrey J. Whicker, and David P. Fuehne