US LLW Compacts have continued to evolve since the 1980 Policy Act. However, several Compacts are not geographically contiguous leading to few options for regional disposal. (Data recompiled from State boundaries derived from National Atlas of the United States.) See paper by Wilson et al. on page S17 for more information.

Operational Radiation Safety

CONTENTS - Vol. 110, No. 2, February 2016


ORS Interview With Steve Snay
René Michel


Strategies for Navigating Common Ethical Dilemmas Encountered by Operational Radiation Safety Professionals
Robert J. Emery and Janelle Rios


Regulation of X-Ray Security Scanners in Michigan
Donald E. Parry

Using Geographic Information Systems to Determine Site Suitability for a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility
Charles A.Wilson, IV Kennith Matthews, Allan Pulsipher, and Wei-Hsung Wang

Dosimetry Formalism and Implementation of a Homogenous Irradiation Protocol to Improve the Accuracy of Small Animal Whole-Body Irradiation Using a 137Cs Irradiator
N. Patrik Brodin, Yong Chen, Ravindra Yaparpalvi, Chandan Guha, and Wolfgang A. Tomé

Investigation of an Accidental Radiological Release in an Underground Disposal Facility
James Poppiti and Ryan Sheffield