Survey results from rusted metal tank surfaces produced unanticipated data interpretation and presentation challenges. Please see the article by King and Vitkus on page S212 for more information.

Operational Radiation Safety

CONTENTS - Vol. 109, No. 5, November 2015


ORS Interview With Warren Snell
René Michel

Operational Topics

Proposal for a Simple and Efficient Monthly Quality Management Program Assessing the Consistency of Robotic Image-Guided Small Animal Radiation Systems
N. Patrik Brodin, Chandan Guha, and Wolfgang A. Tomé

Technical Assessment of Internal Surface Smoothness and Particle Transmission to the American National Standard ANSI/HPS N13.1-2011
Bradley G Fritz and J. Matthew Barnett

Attenuation of X and Gamma Rays in Personal Radiation Shielding Protective Clothing
Michaela Kozlovska, Radek Cerny, and Petr Otahal

Lessons Learned on the Presentation of Scan Data
David A. King and Tim Vitkus

Occupational Exposure to Veterinary Workers from the Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agent 64Cu-ATSM
Lucas D. Hetrick, Susan L. Kraft, and Thomas E. Johnson

Operational Testing of a Combined Hardware-Software Strategy for Triage of Radiologically Contaminated Persons
Edward J. Waller