Operational Radiation Safety
Drawing of radon and thoron decay product characteristics. See article by Kevin Konzen and Richard Brey on page s53 for more information. |
Contents of Vol. 102, No. 5, May 2012
RSO Interview with Alan Jackson
René Michel
Interview with a radiation safety officer.
Carbon-14 Bioassay for Decommissioning of Handford Reactors
Eugene H. Carbaugh and David J. Watson
Residential Radon Mitigations at Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg: Comparison
of Above Ground Level (RIM JOIST) and Above Roof Line Discharge of Radon Mitigation SUB-SLAB Depressurization Systems
Mathieu Brossard, Marcel Brascoupé, Celine Brazeau Ottawa, Renato Falcomer, William Ottawa, Arthur Scott, and Jeff Whyte
Evaluation of Ludlum Corporation's Portable Portal Monitor and Comparison with the HML'S Existing Portal Monitors
Gary H. Kramer, Kevin Capello, and Barry M. Hauck
A Method of Discriminating Transuranic Radionuclides from Radon Progeny Using Low-Resolution Alpha Spectroscopy and Curve-Fitting Techniques
Kevin Konzen and Richard Brey
A Reevaluation of the Procedures Used to Perform Thyroid Bioassay on Nuclear Medicine Personnel Following Radioiodine Handling Procedures
Brian Lorah, Steven King, and Bryan Achey
Status of Radiation Protection of Medical X-Ray Facilities in Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Geoffrey Emi-Reynolds, Cynthia Kaikor Mensah, Prince Kwabena Gyekye, and Ann Etornam Amekudzie
Results and Lessons Learned from Radiological/Nuclear Emergency Response Exercise Held in Quebec, Canada Dominic Lortie, Sonia Johnson, Nadereh St-Amant, Dominic Larivière, Germain Tremblay, Danielle Richoz, Christophe Romiguière, Etienne Frenette, and Jason Brown