Health Physics Society Journal

Contents of May 2006, Volume 90, Number 5

Health Physics Journal, Vol. 90, No. 5, May 2006
Area IV of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (circa 1992). An epidemiology study was conducted of radiation workers at this and other Atomics International (later Rocketdyne) facilities. See article by John D. Boice, Jr., et al. on page 409 for more information. Photo courtesy of The Boeing Company.


A Comprehensive Dose Reconstruction Methodology for Former Rocketdyne/Atomics International Radiation Workers — John D. Boice, Jr., Richard W. Leggett, Elizabeth Dupree Ellis, Phillip W. Wallace, Michael Mumma, Sarah S. Cohen, A. Bertrand Brill, Bandana Chadda, Bruce B. Boecker, R. Craig Yoder, and Keith F. Eckerman

Cancer Mortality among Populations Residing in Counties near the Hanford Site, 1950-2000 — John D. Boice, Jr., Michael T. Mumma, and William J. Blot

Ecological Half-Time and Effective Dose from Chernobyl Debris and from Nuclear Weapons Fallout of 137Cs as Measured in Different Swedish Populations — C.L. Rääf, L. Hubbard, R. Falk, G. Ågren, and R. Vesanen

Americium in the Beagle Dog: Biokinetic and Dosimetric Model — A. Luciani, E. Polig, R.D. Lloyd, and S.C. Miller

Physical Models and Limits of Radionuclides for Decorative Building Materials — Yahong Mao, Yigang Liu, Yuchuan Fu, and Libin Lin

Retinal Injury Thresholds for Blue Wavelength Lasers — David J. Lund, Bruce E. Stuck, and Peter Edsall


Modeling Radiological Dose in Non-Human Species: Principles, Computerization and Application — K. Beaugelin-Seiller, F. Jasserand, J. Garnier-Laplace, and J.C. Gariel

Determination of Natural and Depleted Uranium in Urine at the PPT Level: An Interlaboratory Analytical Exercise — E.A. Ough, B.J. Lewis, W.S. Andrews, L.G.I. Bennett, R.G.V. Hancock, and P.A. D'Agastino


Chernobyl: Catastrophe and Consequences — Reviewed by Rudolf M. Alexakhin

Radiation Oncology Physics: A Handbook for Teachers and Students — Reviewed by Robert J. Barish


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