Health Physics Society Journal

July 2017, Volume 113, Number 1

  HP Cover and LWW advertisement image
On the cover: Photograph taken with three LED lamps with blue light turned on. See the paper by Sara Abraham and colleagues for more information.



Hail and Farewell — Michael T. Ryan


An Efficient, Affordable Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) Annealer — Sara A. Abraham, Samuel J. Frank, and Kimberlee J. Kearfott

Uranium Mining and NORM in North America—Some Perspectives on Occupational Radiation Exposure — Steven H. Brown and Douglas B. Chambers

Radiation Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases in the Cohort of Russian Emergency Workers of the Chernobyl Accident — V.V. Kashcheev, S.Yu. Chekin, S.V. Karpenko, M.A. Maksioutov, A.N. Menyaylo, K.A. Tumanov, E.V. Kochergina, P.V. Kashcheeva, A.I. Gorsky, N.V. Shchukina, S.S. Lovachev, O.K. Vlasov, and V.K. Ivanov

Interpretation of Urinary Excretion Data From Plutonium Wound Cases Treated With DTPA: Application of Different Models and Approaches — Deepesh Poudel, Luiz Bertelli, John A. Klumpp, and Tom L. Waters

Thermal Modeling for the Next Generation of Radiofrequency Exposure Limits: Commentary — Kenneth R. Foster, Marvin C. Ziskin, and Quirino Balzano


The Weighted Peak Method in the Time Domain Compared With Alternative Methods for Assessing LF Electric and Magnetic Fields — Helmut Keller


Trends of Training Courses Conducted in the Human Resources Development Center of the National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology After the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident — Yuko Shimizu, Haruzo Iida, and Mitsuru Nenoi


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Health Physics (ISSN 0017-9078) is the Official Journal of the Health Physics Society and is published monthly by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436. For news and abstracts, and to search past issues of the Health Physics Journal, please visit the Health Physics Journal website.