Health Physics Society Journal

May 2009, Volume 96, Number 5

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Clearance box monitor used for nuclear power plant decomissioning. A method for calibrating such an instrument has been developed based on practical experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations. See article by François O. Bochud and colleagues on page 575 for more information.   LWW image



In-Situ Measurement Procedures for Temporal RF Electromagnetic Field Exposure of the General Public — Wout Joseph, Leen Verloock, Emmeric Tanghe, and Luc Martens

210Po and 210Pb Activity in Chinese Cigarettes — Stephen Schayer, Barbara Nowak, Yanling Wang, Qingshan Qu, and Beverly Cohen

Clearance Kinetics and External Dosimetry of 131I-Labeled Murine and Humanized Monoclonal Antibody A33 in Patients with Colon Cancer: Radiation Safety Implications — Lawrence T. Dauer, Daniel C. Boylan, Matthew J. Williamson, Jean St. Germain, and Steven M. Larson

Study of the Influence of Radionuclide Biokinetics on the Efficiency of In Vivo Counting Using Monte Carlo Simulation — Stephanie Lamart, Eric Blanchardon, Andrey Molokanov, Gary H. Kramer, David Broggio, and Didier Franck

Uranium in Drinking Water: Effects on Mouse Oocyte Quality — Miriam S. Kundt, Carolina Martinez-Taibo, Maria C. Muhlmann, and Juan C. Furnari

Monte Carlo Simulation of a Clearance Box Monitor Used for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning — François O. Bochud, Jean-Pascal Laedermann, Claude J. Bailat, and Christoph Schuler 5

Biokinetics of Radiocarbon Ingested as a Food in Rats — Hiroshi Takeda, Shoichi Fuma, Kiriko Miyamoto, Kei Yanagisawa, Nobuyoshi Ishii, Isao Kawaguchi, Kazutaka Doi, Anca Melintescu, and Dan Galeriu

Training Software Using Virtual-Reality Technology and Pre-Calculated Effective Dose Data — Aiping Ding, Di Zhang, and X. George Xu


Radiation Protection and Dosimetry: An Introduction to Health Physics — Reviewed by Geoffrey G. Eichholz

Reactor Dosimetry: 12th International Symposium — Reviewed by Richard Reciniello


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Health Physics (ISSN 0017-9078) is the Official Journal of the Health Physics Society and is published monthly by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201-2436. For news and abstracts, and to search past issues of the Health Physics Journal, please visit the Health Physics Journal website.