Controllable Dose: A Discussion on the Control of Individual Doses from Single Sources
Editor's Note:
The following discussion paper, published in the Journal of Radiological Protection and written by Roger H. Clarke, was the subject of much discussion within the Health Physics Society (HPS). Clarke's interesting new radiation protection approach as outlined in this paper was distributed by the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) to its member societies (which includes the HPS) at the request of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).
Click here to view or download the paper "Control of low-level radiation exposure: time for a change?" (PDF: 98,222 bytes)
ICRP is considering a consolidation or recapitulation of its 1990 Recommendations, that is, Publication 60. Its proposals are for a different, less complex approach to radiation protection. According to Clarke, a major question is whether ICRP should develop an individual-based protection philosophy as outlined in the following paper.
Scientific and Public Issues Committee prepared a Society response, which was presented at
the IRPA-10 meeting in Hiroshima in May 2000.