In Memoriam: Peter G.F. Bailey
by Joe Danek, CHP

Peter (Pete) G.F. Bailey, 62, of Wellington, Florida, passed away on 29 May 2011 at JFK Medical Center after a courageous battle with brain cancer. He was born in New York City, moving as a young child to Orlando, Florida. Peter attained his bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Florida. He was a certified health physicist with Florida Power & Light for over 30 years, providing invaluable technical expertise and support to five nuclear plant sites throughout the country in the areas of radiation protection, environmental monitoring, and emergency planning.
Pete was an active member of the Florida Land Cruisers Association, and he also was an avid tinkerer. Everyone who came into contact with him or whom he knew was greatly touched by him.
He is survived by his two sons, Brian Bailey of Orlando, Florida, and Derek (Natalie) Bailey of Tampa, Florida; two grandsons, Declan and Ashton; sister, Debbie (Carl) Zimmerman; former wife, Brenda; friend Irena Girishina; and his cruiser buddies. Pete will be sorely missed by his colleagues.
Pete was recognized by his colleagues during the recent national Radiological Effluent Technical Specification-Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program conference held in Chicago 29 June 2011.
Pete was posthumously awarded the prestigious “Jason Jang” award. He was honored “. . . for exemplifying the concepts of environmental stewardship by fostering the most technically sound sampling, analysis, and assessment of effluent and environmental radioactivity; and by demonstrating leadership through active involvement in the field of RETS-REMP; and as an industry expert and mentor in radiochemistry and dose calculation.”
Joe Danek was present to receive the plaque for Pete. The plaque will be given to Pete’s family to honor his professionalism, leadership, and technical competence, not only within our nuclear fleet, but nationally as well.