Continuing Education Programs Committee

The Continuing Education Programs (CEP) Committee is responsible for:

  1. Conducting or facilitating continuing education activities for Society members,

  2. Adapting and enhancing the continuing education program to meet the needs of accreditation programs to which Society members belong, and

  3. Keeping abreast of continuing education opportunities offered by institutions and other organizations and assisting in making these opportunites known to Society members.

A primary responsibility of the CEP is to provide educational opportunities for those attending the Society meetings and workshops through the Professional Enrichment Program (PEP), and the Continuing Education Lecture (CEL) Series. 

PEP courses include topics of current interest to a practicing health physicist, are two hours in length, and are offered at a nominal cost to the participant. The course listing changes each meeting, but the listings and abstracts are available in the meeting registration material. The number of continung education credits toward recertification is determined based on a topical content review by the certifying body. 

CEL Series lectures include review topics or topics of current interest. These one-hour lectures are offered at no cost to the participant. The course listing changes each meeting, but the listings and abstracts are available in the meeting registration material. The number of continuing education credits toward recertification is determined based on a topical content review by the certifying body.

For both PEP courses and CEL lectures, the instructors are volunteers and are considered subject-matter experts. If you have suggestions for course topics or instructors, please send them to the committee chair listed below. You can find his/her contact information in the online Members Directory.

Recognizing that many Society members are unable to attend meetings in person, we are investigating new opportunities to offer courses outside the scheduled meetings and also capitalizing on the virtual learning platforms available to make these courses available  throughout the year. As these details are worked out, that information will be posted here.

In addition, CEP members periodically review requirements for recertification in associated disciplines (AIHA, AAPM, and NRRPT, to name a few) to ensure that the course offerings continue to meet the needs of Society members. If you are aware of the requirements of another accrediting body to which a fraction of Society members belongs, please pass that information along to the committee Chair.

Many of the relevant continuing education opportunities are advertised in the HPS newsletter, Health Physics News. The CEP will utilize the biweekly newsletter to announce other unique opportunities that would be of interest to the majority of members, but as the CEP does not endorse any provider or vendor, such announcements will be rare. However, contact any CEP member and he/she may be able to point you in the right direction. 

The Professional Development School (formerly called Summer School) is the responsibility of CEP. The purpose of the school is to provide a professional development opportunity to members of the Society. It is a topical school sponsored by a host chapter, consortium of chapters, or section. The PDS runs in length from a day or two up to one week and provides up to 32 continuing education credits toward recertification of certified health physicists, depending on the length of the course.

Current Members

Director: Matt McFee, '25
Chair: Charles Wilson, '26
Mutty Sharif - Committee Member, '25
Andy Miller - Committee Member, '25
Tyler Cantrell - Committee Member, '26
Karmen McClain - Committee Member, '25

Auxillary Members