Awards Committee

The Awards Committee selects recipients of Society awards established by the Board, William G. Morgan lecturers, the Robert S. Landauer, Sr., lecturer, the Dade W. Moeller lecturer, and the Society nominee for the IRPA Rolf M. Sievert Award.

The Awards Committee is composed of the President and four individuals nominated by the President and approved by the Board. The Chair of the Awards Committee shall be the President, or any member of that committee nominated by the President and approved by the Board.

A list of HPS awards may be found here, with links to all past recipients. 

Current Members

Director: Elizabeth Brackett, '25
Chair: Elizabeth Brackett, '25
John Cardarelli - Committee Member, '25
Eric Goldin - Committee Member, '25
Ali Simpkins - Committee Member, '26
Daniel Hunton - Committee Member, '27