HPS Affiliate: International Isotopes, Inc.

Address: 4137 Commerce Circle, Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Website: https://intisoid.com/
International Isotopes Inc. (INIS) is a sealed radioactive source and radioactive drug manufacturer licensed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission since September 2000. INIS operates 2 hot cells dedicated to the manufacturing and recycling of high activity Co60 sources, and 1 hot cell dedicated to the production of sodium iodide I-131, as an FDA approved radioactive drug, or radiochemical.
INIS is one of only two United States based source manufacturing companies that specialize in lower activity calibration and reference sources predominately utilized in the nuclear medicine industry. These sources were developed by RadQual LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of INIS, and have been distributed since May 2001. RadQual and INIS have over 150 years of combined experience in manufacturing radionuclide and sealed sources for the nuclear and nuclear medicine communities. We focus our efforts on producing high quality products with superior customer service. All our products are manufactured under the highest quality standards of ISO 9001 and 13485 and have “CE” Mark registration. All our products carry a full lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects and a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
RadQual is also the only distributor for LEA Premium Calibration Standards in the United States and Canada. LEA produces a wide range of radioactive sources for control and calibration of equipment in the fields of radiation protection and metrology. LEA’ s calibration and reference sources are measured according to ISO 17025:2017 under COFRAC accreditation, which provides the same traceability as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).