HPS Affiliate: Eckert & Ziegler Analytics

Address: 1380 Seaboard Industrial Blvd. Atlanta, GA 30318 404-352-8677; Fax: 404-352-2837
Website: https://www.ezag.com/
Eckert & Ziegler’s Isotrak business provides high-quality, traceable radioactive calibration sources, solutions, and gases to support laboratory quality management, radiation protection, research, security, and operations across the nuclear industry. Our products are manufactured in three ISO 17025:2017 DAkkS accredited calibration laboratories; Eckert &Ziegler Isotope Products in Valencia, USA, Eckert & Ziegler Analytics in Atlanta, USA and Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec in Braunschweig, Germany.
As an ISO17043:2010 accredited Proficiency Testing Provider, Isotrak also offers a variety of radiochemical, environmental, health physics and decommissioning proficiency test samples.
The Isotrak product line is continually expanding to meet industry needs including a growing list of matrices used in fit-for purpose reference materials covering decommissioning, NORM and other applications.
Founded in 1997, the Eckert & Ziegler Group is one of the world's largest providers of isotope technology for medical, scientific, and industrial use. The company focuses on applications in cancer therapy, industrial radiometry, and nuclear imaging. The operating business is divided into two segments: Medical and Isotope Products.
Eckert & Ziegler’s Isotope Products Segment provides sealed and unsealed radiation sources and materials:
- Isotrak™ Reference and Calibration Sources and Solutions
- Medical Imaging Sources
- Flood Sources, PET Sources, Specialized SPECT Sources and Multimodal Sources
- Industrial Sources
- Sealed sources for industrial measurement and gauging and mineral / oil well logging applications
- Bulk Radioisotopes
- For pharmaceutical, therapeutic, and industrial product manufacturing.
- Environmental Services (Regional)
- For collection, recycling and disposal of sources and low-activity waste.
- Sources for industrial Non-Destructive Testing.
- Medical and Industrial irradiators for blood irradiation, sterilization, or calibration.