Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award Recipients
Prior to 1984 this was called the Distinguished Achievement Award. Award consists of a plaque and Life Membership in the Society.
Darrell Fisher, 2024
Harold L. Beck, 2022
Steve Simon, 2021
John E. Till, 2020
Richard Toohey, 2019
Xie George Xu, 2018
John D. Zimbrick, 2017
Nolan Hertel, 2016
Wesley Bolch, 2014
Antone Brooks, 2012
David Sliney, 2009
Joseph K. Soldat, 2007
John D. Boice, Jr., 2007
John Auxier, 2006
Eric J. Hall, 2005
F. Ward Whicker, 2004
Ralph Thomas, 2004
Ronald L. Kathren, 2003
Raymond A. Guilmette, 2002
John H. Hubbell, 2001
George L. Voelz, 2000
Bruce B. Boecker, 1998
John R. Johnson, 1997
Robert G. Thomas, 1995
Keith F. Eckerman, 1995
Otto G. Raabe, 1994
Robert Loevinger, 1993
James E. Turner, 1992
Bernard L. Cohen, 1992
William J. Bair, 1991
Herman Cember, 1990
Kenneth W. Skrable, 1989
John Harley, 1989
Marvin Goldman, 1988
Charles W. Mays, 1988
Harald H. Rossi, 1987
William C. Roesch, 1987
F. Herbert Attix, 1987
Victor P. Bond, 1986
Roy C. Thompson, 1985
Clarence C. Lushbaugh, 1984
Bernd Kahn, 1984
Patricia W. Durbin, 1984
Merril Eisenbud, 1983
Dade W. Moeller, 1982
John S. Laughlin, 1982
Robley D. Evans, 1981
J. Newell Stannard, 1977
William L. Russell, 1976
Norman C. Rasmussen, 1976
E. Dale Trout, 1975
Walter S. Snyder, 1975
Shields Warren, 1974
Lauriston S. Taylor, 1974
Karl Z. Morgan, 1973
Wright Langham, 1973
Herbert M. Parker, 1971
Hanson Blatz, 1971
Duncan A. Holaday, 1968
Past Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award Memorializations
Ralph Lapp, 2010
Merril Eisenbud, 2003
Ralph Fairchild, 1995
Marvin M.D. Williams, 1992
Herbert M. Parker, 1991
Gioacchino Failla, 1987
Francis Shonka, 1986
Burton J. Moyer, 1985
E. Dale Trout, 1984
Walter S. Snyder, 1984
Wright H. Langham, 1984