Society News Archive

14 January 2015
Preregistration Deadline for Discounted Rates for the Midyear Meeting - 20 January

The last day to preregister at discounted rates for the 2015 Health Physics Society (HPS) Midyear Meeting in Norfolk, Virginia, is 20 January. The link to register for the meeting is at the end of this article.

This will be the first midyear to follow a new format—the meeting will feature presentations covering a wide range of radiation protection specialties instead of being focused on just one topic.

The meeting will open on Sunday evening, 1 February, with a Super Bowl welcome reception, featuring refreshments and screens for viewing the games.

Look at the program and PEP sessions here. Register for the meeting here.

It is important to register at the Marriott hotel under the HPS code since the number of rooms booked under the HPS block helps reduce costs of our meetings.