Society News Archive

3 May 2013
NRC Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Petition-for-Rulemaking Process

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking public comment on a proposal to streamline and clarify its process for addressing petitions for rulemaking. Proposed changes to that process, to be published in the 3 May 2013 Federal Register, aim to improve transparency and make the process more efficient and effective.

The proposal marks the first comprehensive update to the NRC's process for considering rulemaking petitions since that process was established in 1979. The process allows any member of the public to petition the Commission to issue a new regulation or to amend or rescind an existing one. The NRC is proposing revisions designed to reduce the time the agency needs to complete action on a petition and allow resources to be allocated more efficiently.

The press release can be read here.

The Federal Register listing can be read here.