Society News Archive

13 March 2011
Japanese Nuclear Plant Problems Continue

As you are well aware, the Japanese experienced the worst earthquake in their history, followed by a devastating tsunami. These natural disasters have had a serious impact on several Japanese nuclear reactors, principally those at the Fukushima Daiichi site. The Health Physics Society is concerned about radiation exposures associated with these reactor problems and desires to keep our members and the concerned public advised on current events associated with the Japanese nuclear plants. Consequently, we are recommending the following sources of useful information. Although we cannot verify the accuracy of all the information that you may find, we believe these sources are generally reliable and trustworthy. As events unfold and the potential radiation exposures become better known, we hope to be able to share additional information with you regarding radiation safety.

Additionally, use our Facebook icon on the left sidebar to direct you to the Health Physics Society News Café, where we try to post the latest breaking news items, including ones pertinent to the Japanese nuclear situation.