Society News Archive

14 December 1999

Scientists, regulators, and policy makers from five continents reached consensus on a number of conclusions and recommendations regarding low-level ionizing radiation exposures at a conference in early December.

The international conference, "Bridging Radiation Policy and Science," was attended by 70 invited participants from nearly 20 countries at the Airlie Center in Warrenton, Virginia, 1 - 5 December 1999.

Conferees reconfirmed several pertinent conclusions of a successful conference on this theme held in mid-1997 at the Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin. They added a number of conclusions about the effects and regulation of low doses of radiation.

Conferees agreed that there are certain dose levels below which there is regulatory concern but that below these doses there should be no regulatory action. They also concluded that the lowest dose at which a statistically significant radiation risk has been shown is ~100 mSv.

The complete list of conclusions and recommendations from the Conference can be found here.