News Archive

13 January 2021
NCRP Statement No. 13 Available

The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) is proud to announce the publication of NCRP Statement No. 13, NCRP Recommendations for Ending Routine Gonadal Shielding During Abdominal and Pelvic Radiography.

NCRP Statement No. 13 reevaluates the effectiveness of gonadal shielding considering technical advancements in medical imaging and current scientific evidence and provides updated recommendations regarding gonadal shielding for the medical imaging community.

Developments since the 1950s have dramatically reduced patient dose and improved accuracy and monitoring of radiation dose to parts of the patients' body during diagnostic radiographic procedures. Changes in practice are necessary when there is a better understanding of the benefits and risks associated with a given practice.

This statement provides updated recommendations for gonadal shielding and other key information, including:

  • An overview and brief history of gonadal shielding.
  • A discussion of factors that affect the effectiveness of gonadal shielding.
  • A general discussion about the radiosensitivity of the gonads.
  • Recommendations for the use of gonadal shielding during pelvic and abdominal radiography.

Communication resources and recommendations for implementation are included in the complementary materials, Implementation Guidance for Ending Routine Gonadal Shielding During Abdominal and Pelvic Radiography and the accompanying patient brochure, Where's the Lead Apron? Why Reproductive Organ Shielding Is No Longer Recommended.

View or download NCRP Statement No. 13 on the NCRP website.