Society News Archive

21 June 1999

The Department of Energy (DOE) has embarked on a ten year plan to determine health risks for exposures to low levels of radiation. The research program will build on advances in modern molecular biology and instrumentation in an effort to understand actual (not extrapolated) responses to radiation exposures below natural background levels. The program is estimated to cost $22.4 million for the first three years, $25.6 million for the second three years, and $18.6 million for the last four years. Research areas include (l) damage detection technology and research, (2) biological responses to low dose radiation, (3) thresholds for low dose radiation, (4) genetic susceptibility to low dose radiation, and (5) communication of research results.

Details of this program can be found on DOE's website. News on funded projects and program updates will be available in early July.