Health Physics Society Journal

June 2007, Volume 92, Number 6

The International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection
International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical
Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines


The International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines


International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection


The International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines


Different Basic Dosimetric Quantities for the Characterization of Exposure to Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields and the Implication for Practical Exposure Conditions and Guidelines — Luc Martens

Numerical Dosimetry ELF: Accuracy of the Method, Variability of Models and Parameters, and the Implication for Quantifying Guidelines — A. Bahr, T. Bolz, and C. Hennes

Assessment of Complex EMF Exposure Situations Including Inhomogeneous Field Distribution — Kari Jokela

Assessment of Non-Sinusoidal, Pulsed, or Intermittent Exposure to Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields — Hannah Heinrich


Dosimetric Comparison between Different Quantities for Limiting Exposure in the RF Band: Rationale and Implications for Guidelines — James C. Lin

Requirements for Reliable Worst-Case Assessment of Human Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Fields with Known Uncertainty — Andreas Christ

Implications of Clinical RF Hyperthermia on Protection Limits in the RF Range — Peter Wust, Jacek Nadobny, Michael Szimtenings, Eckart Stetter, and Johanna Gellermann

Exposure of Biological Material to Ultra-Wideband Electromagnetic Pulses: Dosimetric Implications — Neven Simicevic


Static Fields: Biological Effects and Mechanisms Relevant to Exposure Limits — Eric van Rongen, Richard D. Saunders, Emilie T. van Deventer, and Michael H. Repacholi

Perception of ELF Electromagnetic Fields: Excitation Thresholds and Inter-Individual Variability — N. Leitgeb, J. Schröttner, and R. Cech

A Neurobiological Basis for ELF Guidelines — Richard D. Saunders and John G.R. Jefferys

Demodulation in Tissue, the Relevant Parameters and the Implications for Limiting Exposure — Jiri Silny


Thermal Mechanisms of Interaction of Radiofrequency Energy with Biological Systems with Relevance to Exposure Guidelines — Kenneth R. Foster and Roland Glaser

Hearing of Microwave Pulses by Humans and Animals: Effects, Mechanism, and Thresholds — James C. Lin and Zhangwei Wang

Effects of Exposure of Animals to Ultra-Wideband Pulses — Ronald L. Seaman


A Comparison of Important International and National Standards for Limiting Exposure to EMF Including the Scientific Rationale — Colin R. Roy and Lindsay J. Martin

Implications from Epidemiologic Studies on Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood Leukemia on Protection Guidelines — Joachim Schüz

Accounting for Human Variability and Sensitivity in Setting Standards for Electromagnetic Fields — William H. Bailey and Linda S. Erdreich

Rapporteur Report: ICNIRP International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines — Colin R. Roy


On Absorbed Dose Coefficients Calculated by Veinot and Hertel — Scott O. Schwahn

Response to S.O. Schwahn — Ken Veinot and Nolan E. Hertel


In Memoriam-Victor P. Bond, 1919-2007 — Citation by Ludwig Feinendegen

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