Health Physics Society Journal

Health Physics
Journal, Vol. 81, No. 4, October 2001
On the cover: Preparing for change of radionuclide source in the IRINA-phantom in connection with an efficiency calibration of a whole-body counter used to determine the whole-body burden of radiocesium in humans (e.g., the Lund reference group). Picture taken in September 2000 at the Dept. of Radiation Physics in Malmö (Malmö University Hospital), Sweden. See article by C. L. Rääf et al. on page 366 for more information.

Contents of Volume 81, No. 4, October 2001


Hand Held Computers — Bruce Busby


Ecological Half-Time of Radiocesium from Chernobyl Debris and from Nuclear Weapons Fallout as Measured in a Group of Subjects from the South of Sweden — C. L. Rääf, B. Hemdal, and S. Mattsson

Influences of Parameter Uncertainties Within the ICRP 66 Respiratory Tract Model: Particle Deposition — Wesley E. Bolch, Eduardo B. Farfán, Chulhaeng Huh, Thomas E. Huston, and W. Emmett Bolch

Preliminary Uncertainty Analysis for the Doses Estimated Using the Techa River Dosimetry System-2000 — B. A. Napier, N. B. Shagina, M. O. Degteva, E. I. Tolstykh, M. I. Vorobiova, and L. R. Anspaugh

An Experimental Study on Radiation Streaming Through a Labyrinth in a Proton Accelerator Facility of Intermediate Energy — Su. Tanaka, H. Nakashima, Y. Sakamoto, Y. Nakane, S. Meigo, Sh. Tanaka, T. Nakamura, M. Takada, T. Kurosawa, H. Hirayama, N. Nakao, Y. Uwamino, M. Imamura, and K. Shin

New Electron Backscatter Correction Factors for Accurate Skin Depth Dose Calculation from Skin Contamination by Hot Particles — Omar Chibani

Analysis of an Internal Kinetic Model for Free and Bound Tritium — D. M. Hamby and T. S. Palmer

Dietary Intake of 210Po and 210Pb in the Environment of Goa of South-West Coast of India — D. N. Avadhani, H. M. Mahesh, N. Karunakara, Y. Narayana, H. M. Somashekarappa, and K. Siddappa


Early Dose Assessment in Criticality Accidents — Ronald E. Goans, Elizabeth C. Holloway, Mary Ellen Berger, and Robert C. Ricks

Proposed Revision of the ICRP Model for Inhaled Mercury Vapor — R. W. Leggett, N. B. Munro, and K. F. Eckerman

Does Longevity in Beagles Injected with Bone-Seeking Radionuclides Depend upon Radiation Dose in the Absence of Known Radiation Effects? — R. D. Lloyd, S. C. Miller, and G. N. Taylor

Uranium Bioassay-Beyond Urinalysis — Zeev Karpas


Comments on "An Evaluation of the Ethical Principles of the ICRP'S Radiation Protection Standards for Workers" — H. J. Dunster

Response to Dunster — Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Lars Persson

The Apparent Endocrine Effects of Nonionizing Radiation: A New Consideration in Determining Exposure Standards — William H. James

Response to James — Linda S. Erdreich and B. Jon Klauenberg


Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy — Reviewed by Domenico Delli Carpini

Naturally Occurring Radioactivity in the Nordic Countries-Recommendations — Reviewed by Larry W. Luckett

Radiation Dosimetry, Instrumentation and Methods, 2nd Edition — Reviewed by D. M. Hamby


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